Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Dr. Seuss wannabe

I recently had to write an illustrated children's story for a Teaching Language Arts class. This is what I came up with:

"A Bath or a Shower?"
Do you take a bath or a shower?
A shower is quick, but a bath takes an hour.
Well, if you ask me, I'd rather jump in the lake;
And not worry about how much time it would take.
But which makes you cleaner, that is the question.
Well, I am here to teach you a lesson:
That no matter which you choose, you're sure to be,
Spotless and fresh and perfectly clean.
When you are little, you get a bath from your mom,
So that she can clean you and help you some.
But when you're older and a little taller,
You take a shower so you use less water.
So whatever the reason, whatever you decide;
Just be sure that you're clean and dried.
And that you don't use all the water on you,
'Cause someone else needs to clean themselves too.


Anonymous said...

HEY! That was an AWESOME poem! Holy, u really got the brains for this kinda stuff! And ya, keep up the suess poems, cause they are sure to make kids laugh. oh, i miss those days with dr. seuss. Luv ya tons bro! Luv, lisa.

Anonymous said...

hey byron that was fricken awesome